
How to Convert an International Contractor to a Full-Time Employee

Discover the process of converting an international contractor to a full-time employee and different ways to initiate this process.

Blog Author - Janelle Watson
Janelle Watson
Jun 11, 20243 minutes
Blog Author - Janelle Watson
Janelle Watson

Janelle Watson provides content marketing for the international team at Justworks. With a background in higher education and journalism, Janelle helps tell stories that make international expansion and EOR accessible.

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As businesses expand their reach and tap into the global talent pool, the reliance on contractors for specialized skills and short-term projects has become commonplace.  Understanding the nuances of this conversion process is crucial for businesses aiming to build a cohesive and motivated global team. 

With Justworks EOR, we can help you easily handle this conversion without the fear of compliance mistakes. Let's explore the difference between contractor and employee, the benefits of full time employees, and steps to enact this role change.

What’s the Difference Between an International Contractor and a Full-Time Employee? 

A contractor is typically an independent worker hired for a specific project or period, often with a high degree of flexibility and autonomy. They usually manage their own taxes, benefits, and work schedule, and are not integrated into the company’s core operations or culture.

In contrast, a full-time employee is a permanent member of a business, working under their direct control and supervision. They receive a regular salary, benefits like health insurance and retirement plans, and are deeply integrated into the company’s operations and culture, often enjoying greater job security and opportunities for career advancement.

What are the Benefits of Converting an International Contractor to a Full-Time Employee? 

Full-time employment offers job security and motivation for employees, often leading to higher engagement and loyalty. By offering structured career development opportunities, businesses can also nurture and grow talent from within. Here, we explore the key benefits of making this transition.

Enhanced Team Integration

Full-time employees are more likely to become integral parts of the team, fostering better collaboration and cohesion. They can fully immerse themselves in the company culture and align more closely with the company’s values and goals.

Retention of Skills and Knowledge

By converting contractors to full-time employees, employers can keep valuable skills and knowledge in-house. It can also be more cost-efficient, reducing expenses associated with contractor turnover and training. 

Compliance and Risk Management

Full-time employees can help mitigate risks associated with misclassifying workers which can lead to legal and financial penalties – especially when you have contractors operating in different countries. Ensuring proper classification helps companies comply with labor laws and regulations. 

Career Development and Talent Growth

Full-time employment allows for structured career development opportunities helping grow and nurture talent within the company. This is beneficial for both employee satisfaction and the businesses long-term growth.


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When Should You Convert an International Contractor to a Full-Time Employee? 

Converting an international contractor to a full-time employee is recommended when there is:

  • A long-term need for their role

  • They possess critical skills to fill a role

  • They have demonstrated a commitment to your business

This transition is beneficial when the contractor’s workload and responsibilities have significantly increased, or there are specific legal and compliance considerations that necessitate a change in status. Additionally, offering full-time employment with benefits can enhance job satisfaction and retention, and demonstrate an employer's commitment to rewarding contractors who put in the time and effort for their work. 

5 Steps for Converting International Contractors to Full-Time Employees

Converting an international contractor to a full-time employee can be complicated, let’s explore five important steps to consider before making the transition. 

1. Assessment and Planning

  • Evaluate the contractor's performance, skills, and fit within the organization.

  • Conduct a cost-benefit analysis to understand the financial implications and benefits of the conversion.

  • Research and understand the labor laws and regulations in both the contractor's country and your own country.

  • Consult with legal/tax experts or a global EOR like Justworks to ensure compliance with employment laws, tax obligations, and visa requirements.

  • Prepare necessary legal documents, including employment contracts and benefit agreements.

3. Communication and Negotiation

  • Initiate a discussion with the contractor about the transition, explaining the benefits and changes in their role.

  • Negotiate terms and conditions, such as salary, benefits, and job responsibilities.

  • Address any concerns or questions the contractor may have to ensure a smooth transition.

4. Onboarding and Integration

  • Develop a comprehensive onboarding plan that includes orientation, training, and resources to support the contractor’s transition.

  • Facilitate their integration into the company's culture and team, ensuring they feel welcomed and supported.

5. Monitoring and Support

  • Provide continuous support and resources to the new full-time employee, addressing any challenges they may encounter.

  • Regularly review their performance and progress to ensure they are adapting well to their new role.

  • Make any necessary adjustments to support their integration and success within the team. 

Enter Justworks

​​By teaming up with Justworks, businesses can facilitate the conversion of international contractors to full-time employees seamlessly. Our streamlined processes simplify the administrative aspects of this transition, empowering companies to build a cohesive, motivated, and integrated global workforce with ease.

Ready to pay international contractors or full-time employees? Get started today with Justworks, and learn how we can help you grow your global team effortlessly. 

This material has been prepared for informational purposes only, and is not intended to provide, and should not be relied on for, legal or tax advice. If you have any legal or tax questions regarding this content or related issues, then you should consult with your professional legal or tax advisor.
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Written By
Blog Author - Janelle Watson
Janelle Watson
Jun 11, 20243 minutes

Janelle Watson provides content marketing for the international team at Justworks. With a background in higher education and journalism, Janelle helps tell stories that make international expansion and EOR accessible.

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